General Subscribers
Contact: | Dr Jim Gill AO Chairman Water Australia +61 419 906 767 [email protected] | Mr Les Targ CEO Water Australia +61 2 9467 8431 [email protected] | Mr Nick Apostolidis Deputy Chair Water Australia +61 419 797 438 [email protected] |
Since our last update, we have welcomed several new subscribers. The Invitations to Subscribe are still being issued, but if you have not yet received one, please contact us.
We are keen to provide links to our subscriber’s own home page so, if you haven’t yet provided your logo for this purpose and would like the link, please contact us.
Subscription to waterAUSTRALIA is most relevant to those organisations in the water sector that want to expand their markets, either domestically or internationally.
We have prepared a draft of our US marketing facilitation strategy and are working through it with the relevant Commonwealth Government departments – those that play a role in exports or supporting the water industry.
We will then consult with our subscribers to develop a single coherent market facilitation strategy which we intend to roll out later this year.
Companies interested in the US market and contributing to or tapping into this strategy, please contact us As part of that strategy, waterAUSTRALIA will be supporting a marketing mission to the USA in conjunction with the G’Day USA event in January. Austrade will be organising several events of direct relevance to the water sector, which will provide opportunities for large and small companies alike. waterAUSTRALIA will also provide branding support.
If you want to get involved in G’Day USA mission or other events in the US market, please contact us so that we can tailor the program to meet your needs.
Under an agreement with the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, waterAUSTRALIA is coordinating a survey of the industry. There are several reasons for doing this, including:
This will be a telephone survey and will be conducted in the next few weeks. waterAUSTRALIA encourages all participants in the water industry to take part. Non-sensitive company capability information will be stored on the Industry Capability Network database.
If you want to ensure that your company is surveyed, please contact us
Invitations to nationwide supplier forums to be held in each state during October and November are now being issued. The objectives of the forums are to provide information about industry support programs currently available or planned by the Commonwealth and relevant state government, as well as by waterAUSTRALIA. It is also important that we hear from the industry as well as to what the needs are and how best the governments and waterAUSTRALIA can contribute.
Dates confirmed at this point include:
Any company wishing to arrange an invitation should contact us.
More information will be posted as it comes to hand.